Flash Looks Ugly
My Flash pro cs6 has a white and grey theme, it looks really ugly, I want it to be black and grey like photoshop, pls help.
View ArticleUpgrade Flash on Mac 10.6.8
I'm trying to upgrade Flash on an old Mac running OS 10.6.8. I keep getting an error message. Is it possible to do this on this Mac and if so how?
View ArticleProblem using Flash Player in Chrome
I have the most updated version of Adobe Flash and up until just recently, through Google Chrome, I was able to listen to and watch sermons from In Touch Ministries. Suddenly, I'm getting an error...
View ArticleInstallimg Flashplayer
I have windows vista. I play a video game which requires flashplayer, but a previous owner removed the flashplayer plugin. I cannot download flashplayer because every time I download it, the installer...
View ArticleFlash Catalyst freezing in El Capitan, is there a solution?
Hey Adobe, I'm aware that you discontinued Flash Catalyst and I know why you did it. But are YOU aware that it is STILL (in December 2016) the best way to create a complex interactive prototype? Are...
View Articleno scroll bars and and swf not scaling automatically
hello i have flash catalyst cs5.5 my problem is after publishinfg my project i dont see the the scroll in the browser to scroll down the page, later i wanted to show the project in a cd rom that will...
View ArticleFlash Game - Help Needed
I would like to build an 8-bit old Nintendo type of game using Flash5. I don't have any desire to learn coding. Would I need Flash Catalyst (which I heard involves no coding?) or is the Professional...
View ArticleFlash Catalyst project opens, but nothing visible?
Trying to open an old flash catalyst project. It opens, but I can’t see any states although they are listed under states menu. Any ideas how to get them back?
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